Sunday 27 April 2008

Lena Matthews


Welcome! Please introduce yourself to the group :)

A: Hi! I’m Lena Matthews, writer, mother, massive reader.

How long have you been a writer?

A: I’ve been writing since childhood, but I’ve been published since 2004.

Please tell us about your initial publishing experiences. Has anything changed?

A: Rejection, rejection, rejection. Thankfully that has changed along with my writing. I’ve learned how to hone my craft and submit a cleaner, tighter manuscript that has (knock on wood) cured me of my rejection woes.

When was your first collaboration with another author on a book?

A: Logan’s Temptation with Liz Andrews. The story started off as an IM conversation between the two of us and by the time the evening was over we had an outline and a new partnership.

Can you please explain how collaborations work between authors? Are there any particular advantages/disadvantages?

A: I co-write with two different authors, Liz Andrews and Maggie Casper, but I work differently with each one of them. Maggie and I each take a character and we write their point of view. She will do her part and send it to me and I’ll go over it and then write my part. We go back and forth like this until the story is over. Liz and I write while on the phone and IM together. We take turns writing both points of views.

Which of your books is your favorite(s)? Is there any particular reason?

A: It changes as time goes by. Right now, Shadow of Moonlight is my favorite. It’s the second book in the Moonlight series, co-written with Liz Andrews. The reason I enjoy it so much is because of the main characters Remy and Jace. They were a handful and so much fun to write.

What is the reader and reviewer response to your works?

A: So far so good. I honestly have no complaints. Not everyone will like everything, but you have to take it with a grain of salt. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and leave it at that.

Many of your books are part of a series. Do you find that you prefer writing connected books to stand alone tales?

A: I like series books mainly because I like to read them. Also I really hate saying goodbye to a couple, so this way I can check in on them.

Any plans for more Southern Hospitality books?

A: I would like to write Rylee’s story one day. I’m just waiting for her to talk to me again.

Can you provide any advice for aspiring authors or for authors who may be interested in doing collaboration with another author?

A: You have to remember that it’s not just YOUR story. It’s a joint effort and you’re not always going to get your own way.

Do you have any recent releases or contracts that you are excited about?

A: I’m excited about Shadow of Moonlight. Like I said earlier, the couple’s dynamics are just amazing.

With which publishers have you worked? Were/are they supportive and fun to write for?

A: I’ve been published by Liquid Silver Books, Ellora’s Cave, Loose Id and Samhain Publishing. All of my publishers have been very supportive and wonderful to work with...and I’m not just saying that. For me, I’ve found that if you treat it like a job, and not try to make your boss your best friend, things work out a lot better in the long run. I keep things professional and in return I’ve been treated absolutely professionally. I have no complaints.

Is there anywhere you 'hang out' on the net?

A: I have a forum with Maggie Casper that I visit several times daily, and for mind numbing fun I like to visit Dlisted blog and Wikiepdia. I’m a geek, what can I say?

Do you have another job in addition to writing?

A: I’m a mother of two. That’s work enough.

Do your family and friends know that you are a published author? What has been their response?

A: Everyone who knows me knows what I do, and I’ve been very lucky to be blessed with a wonderful supportive group of family and friends.Where can we find out more about you, your books and anything else you've got going on?A: You can visit my website for more information about moi.

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