Sunday 27 April 2008

KL Bjork

INTERVIEWED: January 2007

Hi! Many thanks for agreeing to be this month's featured author :)

Please introduce yourself to our readers :)

A: Hi everyone. I am K.L. Bjork. I've been writing for about 3 years now and have been published since October 2005. I write mainly vampires, demons, witches, and other types of mystical creatures. Lately, however, I've been branching out with sci-fi and futuristic. I am published with Ocean's Mist Press, Silk's Vault and soon to be Mardi Gras Publishing and Twilight Fantasies.

I live in Arkansas with my husband and my two small children who keep me very busy most of the time. Once the sun goes down and the lights go out, that's when I usually get to pull out my laptop and let my characters run the show for a little while.

Could you please tell us about how you became a writer? Has this always been something you wanted to do?

A: Becoming a writer was something always set in the back of my mind. Once I read Christine Feehan's Dark Magic book and then devoured the rest of the Carpathians, I set my pen to paper and started creating my own characters. I can't remember how I stumbled upon, but that is where I met up with a few other aspiring authors. They introduced me to eBooks and opened up a whole world I had no idea even existed. Those ladies don't realize how much I appreciate their hard work and guidance.

Do you enjoy your work (writing plus any other jobs you may have)?

A: Oh yes. It's funny, because in my day job I am a telecommunications analyst, which requires a lot of technical knowledge. So I always look at my writing as a way of exploring the other side of my brain. LOL. I enjoy both very much and I hope to continue to do them for a long while.

How do you gain inspiration for your writing?

A: I love this question, because I can find inspiration in just about anything. The way the sun peeks through the trees at a certain angle can spark a whole new world, a conversation with a friend can spark a personality for a character. I also use songs, shows (mostly from the science channel LOL) and really draw inspiration from all around me.

Do you have any mentors? If so, who are they and why?

A: Yes, I work with two ladies right now that have just been a fantastic source of help. Together we have created a yahoo group called the Eclectic Erotic Sirens ( Their names are Melinda Barron and Jade Buchanan. I also get a lot of help from Cassidy McKay and Trista Bane. It's just great having these ladies to talk with. I have been surprised at how well authors work together and I have found nothing but wonderful support.

Which genres are your favourites to read? Have you attempted to write in these fields yourself?

A: Oooo, I love paranormal. Absolutely adore reading about a sexy vamp in a complicated world. I love to read historicals, too. No specific time period, just anything dealing with some sort of myth or truth from the past.

I do write paranormals, but I don't think I would ever attempt a historical. I just don't think I could do the past justice and I love creating my own worlds.

Do you have any writing experiences to share with us that impacted you in some way, or made you laugh or discover something about yourself?

A: I took a class before I got published at I learned a lot of helpful information for making the story believable that I hope I've been able to incorporate in my work. I was also part of a workshop group at I got some very helpful critiques and also enjoyed spending time with the people there. It was fun and entertaining. They would always hold contests and play games. It was great.

Please tell us about your publisher(s) and how you came to write for them.

A: I got an email from one of my friends telling me that Ocean's Mist Press was a new company opening up and looking for submissions. I decided to finally try my hand at getting published and worked up my query and other information and sent it off. I couldn't believe how fast they responded with an acceptance. Then in the last three months of 2005, I had a book released in October, November and December. I enjoy working with OMP very much.

The next publisher was Silk's Vault. And like with Mardi Gras and Twilight Fantasies, I knew someone there that encouraged me to send in a story for them. I feel very lucky to be published at these houses. Each one of my publishers seem a little bit different, but each are run professionally and with a lot of encouragement for their authors.

What are the top 3 things you want to do before you die and why?

A: The first is to go to Ireland or Scotland. I want to be part of all that mysticism over there. I want to see a fairy mound and walk through a cool damp castle corridor. I want to feel the magic that so many books are inspired by.

My next thing would be to get a book published in print. Just once (actually more than once) I would love to see my name on a bookshelf. LOL

And last but not least, I want to learn to play the violin or fiddle. Just something quirky I want to do :)

What has the reader response been to your books? Do many readers tend to get in touch?

A: I was actually really surprised at the turnout of people getting in touch. I am also a reader and have been encouraged to talk to other authors to tell them how much I enjoy their books. I now know how much a quick email can mean to an author. I love receiving them and each email encourages me to write my next book in a series or my next single title. It's great to know people are out there enjoying what you write.

Have you found writing to be a fulfilling and enjoyable endeavor? Please explain.

A: Oh yes. It's very fulfilling when you get to those last few sentences and everything you have dreamed up and created is finally at the end point where it all turns out okay. Nothing is better for me than a happily ever after. There is just too much in life that is sad and disappointing and I would hate to give that to my readers. I want them to smile, laugh or sigh, knowing that the hero and heroine will live together always.

What could you share, from your experience, with wanna-be writers?

A: Well, once being a wanna-be-writer, whenever I come across someone now I just make sure that I'm encouraging. I can't express enough how much it helps to have people out there who want to read your stuff or will look at it to if anything is missing. I just try to be there for them when I can.

If you could do anything over, what would it be?

A: Nothing really. I've always tried to live my life the best I could without making decisions that I would regret. So far so good. LOL

Do you have any upcoming books or chats (etc) you would like to tell us about?

A: I have two, hopefully three, more books coming out this year. Twilight Fantasies picked up my story Finding Her Place. It's about a military woman who no longer has a war to fight and must figure out where in the world (or worlds) she fits in. Never having had a successful relationship, Cameron Cabot has shied away from getting close to men. Then she finds herself and her friend crashing down on an unfamiliar planet. A planet where spirits soar the skies and want to take over the planet for themselves. Cameron doesn't realize that when she gives into her pleasure with both Mars and Noah, she'll be the one to bring their planet peace. Finding Her Place has a tentative release date of July 4th.

My next book coming out this year is Witch at Mardi Gras Publishing. Witch is about Isabella. She has been locked away by her High Priestess to be handed over to an evil demon. But when her friend Peter hands her a slip a paper with the key to escape, she finds herself in another realm and with a devilishly handsome man. This book will be expanded for those readers who might have read it already. The world will be expanded and hopefully we'll know more about the characters.

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